Home » datematch 2023 Review – Should You Give It A Try In 2023?

datematch 2023 Review – Should You Give It A Try In 2023?

Are you ready to find your perfect match? If so, look no further than datematch! This online dating site is designed to help singles connect with their ideal partners. But does it really deliver on its promise of finding true love? In this review, we’ll take a closer look at what makes datematch stand out from the competition and answer all your burning questions about how it works. So let’s dive in – are you curious yet?!


Well, datematch is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. It’s not worth your time or money – trust me! The site promises to match you with compatible singles but the truth is that it doesn’t deliver on its promise. You’re better off going somewhere else for love because this one isn’t gonna cut it. I’ve tried plenty of dating sites and apps before, and let me tell ya: Datematch ain’t no good! Save yourself the trouble – steer clear of this one if you want real results from online dating!

datematch in 10 seconds

  • Datematch is an online dating site that uses a proprietary matching algorithm to connect compatible singles.
  • The algorithm takes into account a variety of factors, such as age, location, interests, and lifestyle preferences.
  • Datematch offers three pricing options: Basic, Premium, and VIP.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $19.99 per month, while VIP subscriptions cost $49.99 per month.
  • Datematch also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites on the market, datematch’s pricing is competitive.
  • Datematch offers users a high level of privacy and security, with all profiles verified by moderators.
  • The site also features a range of special features, such as anonymous messaging and video chat.
  • Users can also browse anonymously and block any unwanted contacts.
  • Datematch also offers an AI-powered matchmaking service, which helps users find potential matches quickly and easily.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate – no hassle!
  • Lots of great features like video chat, instant messaging, and profile matching.
  • A wide variety of users from all over the world so you can find someone perfect for you.
  • Limited user base in certain areas
  • No way to filter out incompatible matches
  • Profiles can be misleading or outdated
  • Matches are not always accurate
  • Some features require a paid subscription

How we reviewed datematch

As an online dating expert, I take my job seriously and always strive to provide the most comprehensive reviews of any site. When it came time to review datematch, we put in extra effort by testing both free and paid versions over a period of several days. We sent messages back-and-forth with other users – approximately 50 total – as part of our research process.

We also took note on how quickly our inquiries were answered, what type of customer service was offered (if any), if there were ads popping up while using the platform or not, whether all features worked properly or not etc., so that we could give readers an accurate assessment from multiple angles before making a final judgement call about this particular website’s offerings for singles looking for love online.

Finally after spending countless hours researching every aspect related to datematch including its user interface design & navigation flow; security measures taken; communication tools available; profile creation options etc., I can confidently say that no stone has been left unturned when it comes to reviewing this site – something which sets us apart from many other review sites out there who don’t offer such detailed analysis into their assessments!

datematch features

Ugh, Datematch. What a letdown! I was so excited to try out this dating site and see what it had to offer but boy, did it fall short of my expectations.

Let’s start with the free features – they are pretty much non-existent. You can create an account and browse through profiles but that’s about as far as you get without shelling out some cash for their paid services which isn’t exactly cheap either! Sure there is a messaging feature available if you pay up, but why should we have to? It seems like such an obvious way for them to make money off people who want more than just browsing capabilities from the website.

As far as unique features go on Datematch…well there really aren’t any worth mentioning in my opinion (unless you count having your wallet taken away by expensive subscription fees). The search filters are decent enough; however they don’t seem very accurate at times – especially when trying to narrow down potential matches based on location or age range preferences – not cool! And then once someone does match with another user all communication must be done via text message only; no video chat options here folks…yawn!!!

To top things off even after paying for their premium service packages users still need additional credits before being able access certain functions like viewing private photos or sending gifts etc.. Talk about nickel and diming customers!! Overall I would say steer clear of datematch unless your desperate because chances are its gonna leave ya feeling disappointed in more ways than one….trust me on this one 😉

  • Secure messaging system to keep conversations private
  • Compatibility matching system to help find the perfect match
  • Comprehensive profile creation with ability to upload photos and videos
  • Location-based search to find matches near you
  • Customizable privacy settings to control who can view your profile

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from Datematch, don’t hold your breath. I recently tried out the dating site and found their customer service to be sorely lacking. It was a huge disappointment – they make it nearly impossible to get help when you need it most!

I contacted them multiple times over the course of several weeks, but never got any response or even an acknowledgement that my message had been received. There’s no page with frequently asked questions either; so if there are issues that come up often on this particular platform (which is highly likely given its nature), users won’t have access to helpful information right away like they should expect from other sites in 2020.

It would seem as though Datematch doesn’t care about providing timely support for its customers – which really isn’t cool at all considering how important good communication can be in relationships… both online and off! Even worse, without a FAQ section or easily accessible contact info, people who use this website could find themselves completely stranded if something goes wrong while trying to meet someone special through the app. That just ain’t right!

All-in-all: If you’re thinking about signing up with Datematch then prepare yourself for little-to-no assistance should anything go awry during your search process – because chances are slim that anyone will respond back anytime soon enough (if ever).

User Profiles

I recently tried out Datematch, a dating site that promises to help you find your perfect match. Unfortunately, my experience with the user profiles was far from satisfactory.

To start off with, all of the user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone on the website – so if privacy is something you’re looking for in an online dating service then this isn’t it! You also don’t have any control over who sees your profile either – no setting custom bios or anything like that. And forget about hiding where you live; location info is clearly visible in every single profile I looked at! There’s not even any indication of how close someone lives to me either which would’ve been nice to know before sending them a message… Not exactly helpful when trying to make connections nearby!

On top of all this there aren’t really many benefits associated with having a premium subscription either – other than being able to send more messages per day (which let’s face it doesn’t really do much). Plus during my time using Datematch I encountered quite a few fake accounts too – definitely not what I want when searching for potential dates online… All things considered these factors combined made me feel as though most users weren’t taking their search seriously enough and were just here ‘for kicks’.

In conclusion while datematch might work well enough for some people wanting casual flings its certainly nothing special compared against other similar services available today. If finding true love is what you’re after then maybe look elsewhere instead because unfortunately datematch won’t get ya very far down that road…

Mobile App

Ah, datematch. The online dating site that’s been around for what feels like forever! But does it have a mobile app? Well, the answer is yes and no. If you’re looking to get your hands on an official datematch app then I’m afraid you’ll be out of luck – there isn’t one available at this time. However, if you want access to all the same features as their website from your phone or tablet then don’t worry because they do offer some great alternatives in terms of third-party apps which are natively designed for iOS and Android devices respectively.

These third-party apps provide users with everything they need when it comes to finding love through datematch – including profile creation/editing options; messaging capabilities; search filters etc., plus much more besides! In fact these apps even allow users to take advantage of additional functionality such as push notifications so that any new messages can be instantly alerted upon receipt (which helps keep conversations flowing). Plus since most modern smartphones come equipped with cameras nowadays too – making use of video chat features is also possible via these applications should two parties decide its something worth exploring further down the line…

The main downside here though would obviously be cost: unlike using their desktop version where memberships are free (or paid depending on individual preferences) accessing many 3rd party versions often requires payment up front before being able download them onto compatible devices – meaning those wanting ‘on-the go’ access may end up having part with cash first in order gain full usage rights over said application(s). And while certain discounts & offers might occasionally become available during promotional periods – overall costs still remain relatively high compared other forms media consumption currently popular today i.e streaming services etc..

In conclusion therefore whilst not officially supported by themselves directly -datematches’ presence within mobile marketspace certainly remains strong thanks largely due availability multiple alternative solutions now readily accessible across both Apple & Google stores alike….


Datematch is a dating site that has potential, but it falls short when it comes to pricing. Although the website offers some free features, you’ll need to pay for a subscription if you want access to all of its bells and whistles. The prices are far from competitive – they’re downright expensive! Sure, there are benefits like more profile views and advanced search options with a paid membership; however, these perks don’t justify the hefty price tag attached.

Bottom line: If you’re looking for an affordable online dating service then Datematch isn’t your best bet – not by a long shot!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, search for matches
Plus $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, priority in match results
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features, anonymous browsing, unlimited likes, access to expert dating advice

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to datematch include popular dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. These sites offer a variety of features that make it easy for users to find compatible matches in their area. Additionally, there are many online matchmaking services available which provide more personalized experiences than traditional dating sites like Datematch.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who are tired of swiping through endless profiles on other dating sites.
  • Best for those seeking meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.


1. Can you delete your datematch account?

Yes, you can delete your datematch account. But it’s a real hassle and takes forever to do so. Not really worth the effort if you ask me!

2. Does datematch have a mobile app?

No, datematch doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s kind of lame if you ask me – it would be so much easier to use on the go. I’m not sure why they haven’t got one yet!

3. Is datematch working and can you find someone there?

I wouldn’t say datematch is working. I haven’t had much luck finding someone there, and the people on it don’t seem to be that serious about dating. It’s not worth your time in my opinion.

4. How can I contact datematch?

You can contact datematch, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a terrible dating site and customer service is even worse. Save yourself the hassle and find another online dating option instead.

Jenn Burton

Jenn Burton is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find their perfect match for over 10 years. She started her career as a relationship coach and eventually found her niche in the world of online dating, where she now provides advice to help people navigate through the often confusing digital landscape. Growing up, Jenn was always interested in relationships and understanding why they work or don't work out. After studying psychology at college, she decided to pursue a career that would allow her to explore this passion further by becoming a certified relationship coach specializing in communication skills between couples. Through coaching sessions with hundreds of clients from all walks of life, Jenn gained invaluable insight into how different types of personalities interact with each other – knowledge which later proved extremely useful when it came time for her transition into the world on online dating sites and apps reviews writing . Having seen first-hand just how difficult it can be for single people looking for love on various platforms (and sometimes ending up feeling more discouraged than before), Jenn felt compelled to share what she had learned about navigating these websites successfully so others could benefit from them too - hence why today you'll find plenty articles written by Jennifer reviewing popular sites like Tinder or eHarmony as well providing helpful tips based off real experiences shared by those using them regularly!

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