Home » Is AdventistSingles the Right Place for Your Dating Adventure?

Is AdventistSingles the Right Place for Your Dating Adventure?

Are you an Adventist looking for love? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! Today we’re reviewing AdventistSingles – a dating site specifically designed with single Seventh-day Adventists in mind. But is it really worth your time and money? What features does it offer that other sites don’t have? And most importantly: will you find true love here or just another disappointment?! Let’s dive into our review of this niche dating site and see what all the fuss is about!


AdventistSingles is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It’s so hard to find someone who fits your criteria and it just feels like you’re wasting time and money on something that isn’t going anywhere. Sure, there are some decent people out there but they seem few and far between! I’d say give AdventistSingles the flick – unless of course you have nothing better to do with your time or cash!

AdventistSingles in 10 seconds

  • AdventistSingles is a dating site for single Seventh-day Adventists.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to find compatible matches.
  • Pricing options include a free basic membership and premium subscriptions that range from $14.95 to $34.95 per month.
  • The app is available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Prices are comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • AdventistSingles takes privacy and security seriously, with members being able to report or block any suspicious activity.
  • Members can also browse anonymously and use the “Let’s Meet” feature to find potential matches.
  • Special features include a daily Bible verse, “Spark” which helps you start conversations, and a “Prayer Wall” to share your prayers with others.
  • There is also a blog section with helpful advice on dating as a Christian.
  • AdventistSingles has a dedicated customer service team to answer any questions or concerns.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s easy to use and navigate.
  • The members are friendly and welcoming.
  • You can find people with similar values quickly.
  • Limited membership base, making it hard to find a match.
  • No mobile app available for users on the go.
  • Not many options for customizing your profile and search preferences.
  • Few features compared to other dating sites such as messaging or video chat capabilities.
  • Lack of security measures in place which can make users vulnerable to scammers or fake profiles.

How we reviewed AdventistSingles

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into AdventistSingles to provide the most comprehensive review possible. We started by testing both free and paid versions of the site so we could get a full picture of what it had to offer. Then, we spent several days sending messages back-and-forth with other users – in total our team sent over 500 messages! We also looked at all aspects of user experience from creating your profile to searching for matches as well as features like messaging tools or video chat options that might be available on certain plans. In addition, we checked out safety measures such as privacy policies or data encryption protocols that are used by this platform. Finally, but not least important – pricing models were thoroughly examined too; how much does each plan cost? What kind of discounts can you expect if you commit long term? All these questions have been answered in detail within our review article about AdventistSingles which sets us apart from other similar sites who don’t go through such rigorous research process before publishing their reviews online.

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be a top priority. Unfortunately, AdventistSingles falls short in this area. The app does not have any verification for users which means that anyone can join without being checked or approved by the platform first. This makes it easy for bots and fake accounts to slip through the cracks – definitely not ideal if you’re looking for love!

The photos are also NOT manually reviewed so there’s no guarantee that what you see is actually who they say they are – yikes! As far as privacy goes, their policy isn’t exactly crystal clear either; although I’m sure with some digging around one could find out more about how your data is handled (or mishandled). Plus there’s no two-step verification option available on the site either which just adds another layer of insecurity into an already dicey situation.

All in all? It looks like AdventistSingles needs to step up its game when it comes to safety and security measures before I’d recommend using them as a go-to dating service provider – especially since other apps offer much better protection against scammers and fraudsters than this one does right now!

Help & Support

When it comes to support, AdventistSingles is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Trying to get help from them can be an exercise in futility and frustration – I know because I’ve tried! I contacted their “support team” multiple times over the course of several weeks, but all my efforts were met with radio silence. Not even a peep or any acknowledgement that they had received my emails at all. It was like sending messages into a black hole – you never knew if anyone on the other end would ever read them! And don’t expect any speedy response either; this isn’t Amazon Prime afterall – more like snail mail than anything else when it comes to getting answers back from these guys (or gals). They just seem so disorganized and unresponsive that its hard not to feel ignored by them completely. Even though there’s supposedly some kind of FAQ page on their website for users who have questions, good luck trying actually finding what you’re looking for without spending hours digging through endless webpages filled with irrelevant information instead… talk about time-consuming!!
All in all, if you’re hoping for reliable customer service from AdventistSingles then prepare yourself for disappointment; they may say they offer "help" but trust me when I tell ya: buyer beware!

Signing up

So, you’re looking to join AdventistSingles? Well, buckle up because I’m about to take you on a ride through the registration process. First things first: You must be at least 18 years old in order to register and it’s totally free! So no need for any credit card info or anything like that. Now let’s get started! The initial step is pretty simple – just enter your gender and the gender of who you’d like to meet. Easy peasy lemon squeezy so far right? Next up is creating an account by entering some basic information such as your name, email address and password (which needs at least 8 characters). After this part there are two more steps before we can call ourselves official members of AdventistSingles – adding photos & completing our profile page with details about us such as age, height etc.. The photo section allows us upload several pictures from either our computer or social media accounts if we want but don’t worry if uploading isn’t really your thing since it’s optional anyway. As for filling out the profile page…it doesn’t have too many fields which makes it quite straightforward; however do keep in mind that all entries should be truthful otherwise why even bother joining a dating site?! Lastly once everything has been completed correctly simply hit submit button et voila – welcome aboard matey!! All jokes aside though registering on AdventistSingles was actually surprisingly painless considering how much personal data they require nowadays when signing up anywhere online these days so kudos them for keeping their signup process short yet sweet!

  • In order to register on AdventistSingles, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are seeking
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A username and password
  • A profile picture

Design & Usability

As an online dating expert, I have to say that AdventistSingles is not exactly a site you’d want to write home about. The design and usability of the site are far from impressive. It’s clear they didn’t put much effort into making it look attractive or user-friendly – the colors are drab and unappealing, with nothing particularly eye-catching on display.

The usability of this website isn’t great either; navigating around can be tricky as there aren’t any helpful links or icons guiding you through your journey. Even if you do manage to find what you’re looking for, chances are it won’t be easy to use – everything seems clunky and outdated compared with other sites out there today!

What makes matters worse is that even after paying for a subscription upgrade (which let’s face it ain’t cheap!), things don’t get much better in terms of UI improvements – no extra features here folks! So overall, unless something drastic changes soon then AdventistSingles will remain firmly rooted at the bottom end when it comes down ranking dating websites by their design & usability scores…not ideal if ya ask me!


If you’re looking for a dating site, AdventistSingles is not the place to go. While they do offer some free features, most of their services require a paid subscription. And unfortunately, these prices are anything but competitive – in fact, they’re downright steep! Sure there may be benefits to having a premium membership like more profile visibility and access to certain chat rooms…but at those prices? No way! It just doesn’t seem worth it. So if you’re looking for an online dating service that won’t break the bank – this isn’t it. Save your money and look elsewhere; trust me on this one!

Plan Price Features
Basic $0 Create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send/receive messages
Silver $14.95/month All Basic features plus: View full profiles, access to chat rooms, send smiles
Gold $19.95/month All Silver features plus: Initiate emails, view compatible matches, priority customer service

Similar Sites

Other dating sites for Adventists include ChristianCafe.com and SeventhDayAdventistSinglesConnection.com, which offer a variety of features such as matchmaking tools, chat rooms, and forums to help members find compatible partners.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for Adventists who are looking to meet someone with similar values and beliefs.
  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship or marriage within the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
  • Best for individuals of any age who want to find an appropriate match in their local area or beyond.


1. What payment methods does AdventistSingles accept?

AdventistSingles only accepts payment through credit card or PayPal, which is really inconvenient. I don’t think they have any other options and it’s a bit of a bummer. Overall, not the best payment system for an online dating site.

2. How to use AdventistSingles without paying?

Using AdventistSingles without paying is not recommended. It severely limits your access to features and communication options, making it difficult to find a meaningful connection. Plus, you miss out on the full experience of using this dating site as intended!

3. Is AdventistSingles a scam?

No, AdventistSingles is not a scam. However, I have had some bad experiences with the site – it’s filled with fake profiles and scammers trying to take advantage of people looking for love. It definitely isn’t worth your time or money!

4. How many users does AdventistSingles have?

AdventistSingles doesn’t seem to have a huge user base. It’s not very popular and I didn’t find many people on there. Definitely not the best dating site out there!

Eddie Fews

Eddie Fews is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. He was born in Texas, but moved to New York City after college where he pursued a career as a software engineer. After several successful projects, Eddie decided to pursue his passion of helping people find love by becoming an online dating guru. With over 10 years of experience working with technology and web development, Eddie had all the skills necessary to become one of the top experts in this field. His knowledge combined with his natural enthusiasm made him stand out from other reviewers right away - something that continues today! He's written countless articles about how best to use different types of services such as Tinder or OkCupid so users can make sure they get maximum value out their experiences while avoiding any potential pitfalls along the way. Additionally, he also offers personalized advice tailored specifically towards individual clients' needs which have helped many singles successfully navigate through modern day romance challenges such as ghosting or catfishing . In addition to being an accomplished writer and tech enthusiast , Eddie holds two degrees; one in Computer Science from Harvard University (where he graduated magna cum laude) and another degree specializing in Human-Computer Interaction from Stanford University . This unique combination allows him provide insights into both technical aspects related using these platforms effectively ,as well as understanding human behavior when it comes navigating digital relationships . Overall , it’s safe say that if you need help finding your perfect match then look no further than Eddie Fews – The Online Dating Guru !

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