Home » GreekDates: What You Need To Know Before You Sign Up

GreekDates: What You Need To Know Before You Sign Up

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Well, have we got news for you! GreekDates might just be your answer. Wondering what it’s like to date on a site specifically designed for Greeks by Greeks? Read on to find out! Is this dating site worth its salt or is it too good to be true? Let’s dive into our review and see if GreekDates can make Cupid proud.


Ugh, GreekDates is a total dud. It’s like trying to find love in the Sahara Desert – it ain’t gonna happen! I mean, don’t get me wrong; there are some good people on this site but they’re few and far between. Plus, the user interface isn’t very intuitive so you end up spending more time figuring out how to use it than actually looking for dates. On top of that, their customer service team is about as helpful as a chocolate teapot! All-in-all GreekDates just doesn’t cut it – if you want to meet someone special then look elsewhere…trust me on this one!

GreekDates in 10 seconds

  • GreekDates is a dating site that helps users find compatible matches.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to pair users based on their preferences.
  • GreekDates offers various pricing options, including monthly and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions start at $19.99 and annual subscriptions start at $99.99.
  • GreekDates also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Its prices are competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • GreekDates takes user privacy and security seriously, offering secure encryption and anonymous browsing.
  • It also features special tools like icebreakers and virtual gifts to help users break the ice.
  • Users can also access exclusive events and travel packages through GreekDates.
  • GreekDates also offers customer support via email and phone.

Pros & Cons

  • GreekDates is an easy-to-use site with a great selection of singles.
  • It’s free to join and you can start meeting people right away.
  • The customer service team is friendly and helpful for any questions or issues that come up.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches.
  • Not enough users to make it worth your time.
  • Some profiles are incomplete or outdated.
  • Messaging system is slow and unreliable at times.
  • No mobile app available, so you can only access the site on a computer or laptop.

How we reviewed GreekDates

To review GreekDates, my team and I spent a lot of time testing both the free and paid versions. We sent out messages to other users – over 200 in total! This process took us several days as we wanted to make sure that our experience was comprehensive. We also looked at all the features available on GreekDates such as profile creation, messaging system, search filters etc., taking into account user feedback from reviews posted online. Additionally, we tested how easy it is for new members to sign up with this dating site by creating an account ourselves and seeing what kind of information they ask for during registration process. Finally, we made sure that security measures were in place so that no personal data would be compromised or misused while using their services. Our commitment towards providing an accurate assessment sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such thorough reviews when it comes to dating sites like GreekDates

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site with Greek flair, then look no further than GreekDates. But don’t be fooled by its promises of an authentic and exciting experience – it’s nothing more than a letdown! The profiles are public, so anyone can view them without having to create an account. And unfortunately there is no way to set up your own custom bio or hide any location info that may appear in the profile. So if privacy is important to you, this isn’t the place for you!

The distance between users also doesn’t seem very clear on here either; I didn’t see any indication as to how far away someone was from me when browsing through their profile which made it hard to find potential matches who were actually close enough geographically speaking for anything meaningful. On top of all that there aren’t even many benefits associated with getting a premium subscription – other than being able access some extra features like seeing who has viewed your profile and sending unlimited messages – so why bother?

Plus while testing out the site I encountered quite few fake profiles too; they seemed suspiciously perfect (if not downright robotic) but still managed slip past whatever security measures were supposedly in place at GreekDates… Not cool guys! All-in-all though my experience using this service wasn’t great – save yourself time & energy and go somewhere else instead where people actually care about providing quality user experiences rather just trying cash in on unsuspecting singles desperate for love…

Signing up

So, you’re thinking about trying out GreekDates? Well, buckle up because I’m gonna take you through the registration process. First things first: if you’re under 18 years old then this isn’t for ya! The minimum age to register on the website is 18 and that’s non-negotiable. Now that we’ve got that out of the way let’s move onto signing up – which by the way is totally free so no need to worry about any hidden costs or anything like that. The whole thing starts with a simple form where they ask for your name, gender and email address – nothing too complicated there right? After filling in those details it’ll bring ya straight into creating your profile page; here they want all sorts of information from what kind of person yer looking for (age range etc.) to more personal stuff such as hobbies and interests…basically everything needed so other members can get an idea who yer are before messaging ya back. You also have space available to write something short about yourself – think ‘elevator pitch’ style but obviously tailored towards finding someone special rather than selling a product haha!

Once all these steps are complete it’ll be time ta upload some photos; make sure these show off yo best side cos afterall this will help attract potential matches better than words ever could…right?! Finally once all sections have been filled in correctly click submit at bottom left corner et voila – welcome aboard matey!! That wasn’t too bad was it?? So now just sit back relax while waiting fer them messages start rolling in 😉

  • To register on GreekDates, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • A profile picture

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers support, GreekDates is not the one. Trying to get help from them can be like pulling teeth – it’s painful and time-consuming! I’ve tried contacting their customer service multiple times but never got any response or if I did, it was pretty unsatisfactory.

It seems like they don’t really care about helping users out with issues they might have on the website because there isn’t even an FAQ page where people could look up common questions and answers related to using GreekDates. Even if there were such a page, chances are nobody would ever find it since navigating through their website is confusing at best – good luck trying to figure out how everything works without getting lost in all those menus!

And forget about expecting quick responses from customer service either; you’d probably wait days before hearing back from anyone over at GreekDates…if you hear anything back at all! It almost feels as though this company has no interest whatsoever in providing its customers with quality assistance when needed – which makes me wonder why someone would bother signing up here in the first place?

Overall, my experience withGreekDate’s support system has been nothing short of abysmal; so unless you’re okay dealing with slow (or nonexistent) replies every time something goes wrong while using this platform then maybe consider going somewhere else instead. Trust me: You’ll thank yourself later for making that decision once things start running smoothly again elsewhere…

GreekDates features

Well, GreekDates is certainly not the cream of the crop when it comes to online dating sites. It has some features that are okay and others that just plain stink. Let’s start with what you get for free: You can create a profile, upload photos (which may or may not be approved by their “moderators”), search other profiles based on your preferences…and that’s about it! There isn’t even an option to message someone without paying first – talk about stingy!

The paid version does offer more options but they come at a price – literally. For starters, there is no monthly subscription fee like most other dating sites have; instead you pay per feature which adds up quickly if you want access to all of them. Plus I found out after signing up for my account that some features were only available in certain countries so if yours isn’t one of them then tough luck buddy! On top of this their customer service was pretty unhelpful and slow-moving too – don’t expect any speedy replies here folks…

Now let’s talk unique features because honestly there aren’t many worth mentioning here either – sure they have things like ‘Icebreakers’ where users can send pre-written messages but these feel very generic and impersonal compared to writing something yourself from scratch (plus who wants icebreakers anyway?!) They also boast ‘Verified Profiles’ as another plus point but again I didn’t find this particularly helpful since anyone could easily lie about being verified anyways…so much for security eh?!

All in all GreekDates leaves me feeling less than impressed overall – unless having limited choices and spending lotsa money appeals then maybe give it a go otherwise save your time & cash elsewhere cos trust me, this site ain’t gonna cut the mustard anytime soon…

  • Matchmaking: GreekDates uses a proprietary algorithm to match users with potential partners.
  • Messaging: Users can send messages to each other in real-time.
  • Video Chat: Users can connect with each other via video chat.
  • Privacy Settings: Users can control who can view their profile and who can contact them.
  • Profile Verification: GreekDates verifies user profiles to ensure authenticity.


GreekDates is far from free. Sure, you can sign up and browse around for a bit, but if you want to actually get anywhere with this dating site then it’s time to break out the wallet! To send messages or view who’s liked your profile? That’ll cost ya. And don’t even think about getting any extra features – they’re all locked behind a paid subscription wall!

The prices aren’t exactly competitive either; there are plenty of other sites that offer better value for money when it comes to online dating. Plus, their payment plans leave something to be desired – no matter what option you choose (monthly/yearly) the perks remain pretty much unchanged so why bother paying more? All in all I’d say GreekDates isn’t worth shelling out hard-earned cash on unless you really have nothing else going on in your love life…which would be kinda sad TBH!

Plan Price Features
Basic $19.99/month Create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages, receive messages, use search filters
Premium $29.99/month All basic features plus: access to advanced search filters, read receipts for messages, see who has viewed your profile
Platinum $39.99/month All premium features plus: priority customer service, exclusive offers and discounts, additional profile visibility

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites for Greek singles include EligibleGreeks.com and GreekFriendsDate.com, both of which offer a range of features to help users find compatible matches in their area.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for Greek singles looking to find a meaningful relationship.
  • Best for people interested in exploring the Greek culture and language.
  • Best for those who are seeking an international connection with someone from Greece or of Greek descent.


1. How does GreekDates work?

GreekDates is a dating site that doesn’t seem to work very well. It’s hard to figure out how it works and there are too many features that don’t make sense. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend GreekDates as an online dating option.

2. How to find people on GreekDates?

Finding people on GreekDates is pretty easy, all you have to do is sign up and start swiping. It’s almost too simple; it feels like I’m playing a game instead of trying to find someone special. Plus the quality of matches isn’t that great either – not worth my time in my opinion!

3. Is GreekDates real?

Yes, GreekDates is real – but it’s not worth your time. The matches are pretty hit or miss and the interface isn’t very user friendly. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend this dating site to anyone looking for a meaningful connection.

4. What are GreekDates alternatives?

GreekDates is a total waste of time. There are much better alternatives out there like OkCupid or Tinder that have more active users and offer more features. I’d stay away from GreekDates if you’re looking for an online dating site.

Eddie Fews

Eddie Fews is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. He was born in Texas, but moved to New York City after college where he pursued a career as a software engineer. After several successful projects, Eddie decided to pursue his passion of helping people find love by becoming an online dating guru. With over 10 years of experience working with technology and web development, Eddie had all the skills necessary to become one of the top experts in this field. His knowledge combined with his natural enthusiasm made him stand out from other reviewers right away - something that continues today! He's written countless articles about how best to use different types of services such as Tinder or OkCupid so users can make sure they get maximum value out their experiences while avoiding any potential pitfalls along the way. Additionally, he also offers personalized advice tailored specifically towards individual clients' needs which have helped many singles successfully navigate through modern day romance challenges such as ghosting or catfishing . In addition to being an accomplished writer and tech enthusiast , Eddie holds two degrees; one in Computer Science from Harvard University (where he graduated magna cum laude) and another degree specializing in Human-Computer Interaction from Stanford University . This unique combination allows him provide insights into both technical aspects related using these platforms effectively ,as well as understanding human behavior when it comes navigating digital relationships . Overall , it’s safe say that if you need help finding your perfect match then look no further than Eddie Fews – The Online Dating Guru !

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